Top Reviewed Wall Beds of 2021
Affordable Murphy Bed

Top Reviewed Wall Beds of 2021

Purchasing something as important as a bed online can be nerve-racking, but a product that has hundreds of trustworthy reviews from verified customers can give you confidence.   
Lori Story: A Murphy Bed for All Ages and Stages
Affordable Murphy Bed

Lori Story: A Murphy Bed for All Ages and Stages

The Vests wanted their smaller home to be a welcoming place for the kids to have their own space to play. While they had room for visitors and grandkids, the Vests realized that the layout didn’t q...
Off The Wall: Lori Beds is Featured on ‘Welcome Home to the Suburbs’ Podcast
Affordable Murphy Bed

Off The Wall: Lori Beds is Featured on ‘Welcome Home to the Suburbs’ Podcast

Having a functional and organized space isn’t something you have to sleep on. Or maybe, you could. This is the conversation Lori Beds’ co-founder, Kyle Marquardt, had with Jill Kalman, the host of ...
How to Choose a Mattress — A Definitive Shopping Guide
Affordable Murphy Bed

How to Choose a Mattress — A Definitive Shopping Guide

Navigating stores and websites, debating between foam and springs, and determining the best mattress for your sleep style can be enough to make you want to roll over and take a nap. Before you sta...
What Is a Queen Murphy Bed?
Affordable Murphy Bed

What Is a Queen Murphy Bed?

Many of today’s Murphy bed models, such as Lori Beds, are high quality pieces that can allow underused spaces to transform into stylish and functional living areas. The Queen/Full Lori Bed is a pop...
The Best Examples of Murphy beds in Interior Design
Affordable Murphy Bed

The Best Examples of Murphy beds in Interior Design

Reclaiming square footage in a small or underused room is one of the main reasons why Murphy beds have become so popular among homeowners and renters in recent years.
Refresh Your Home with these Fall Décor & Improvement Projects
Affordable Murphy Bed

Refresh Your Home with these Fall Décor & Improvement Projects

Fall is a time to refresh your home. Whether it is creating a cozy bonus space by installing a wall bed or brightening up the backyard with a homemade fire pit, these DIY home improvement projects ...